1 EWANAPI Descriptions / Examples of DMS Calls
2 Table of Contents
3 Introduction
3.1 History
3.2 Files
3.3 Interface expansion
3.4 Direct return codes of EWANAPI
4 WIS net call interface
4.1 Determination of damage code
4.1.1 Objective
4.1.2 Parameters
4.1.3 Boundary conditions
4.1.4 Output
4.1.5 Example
4.2 Document display
4.2.1 Objective
4.2.2 Parameters
4.2.3 Boundary conditions
4.2.4 Output
4.2.5 Examples
5 ASRA net call interface
5.1 Objective
5.2 Parameters
5.3 Boundary conditions
5.4 Output
5.5 Examples
6 ASSYST net call interface
6.1 Without background call
6.1.1 Objective
6.1.2 Parameters
6.1.3 Boundary conditions
6.1.4 Output
6.1.5 Examples
6.2.1 Objective
6.2.2 Parameters
6.2.3 Output
6.2.4 Boundary conditions
6.2.5 Examples
7 EPC net call interface
7.1 EPC Navigate Call
7.1.1 Objective
7.1.2 Parameters
7.2 Examples
7.3 EPC Search Part Call
7.3.1 Objective
7.3.2 Parameters
7.4 Examples

1 EWANAPI Descriptions / Examples of DMS Calls

Daimler AG

2 Table of Contents

1 EWANAPI Descriptions / Examples of DMS Calls

2 Table of Contents

3 Introduction

3.1 History

3.2 Files

3.3 Interface expansion

3.4 Direct return codes of EWANAPI

4 WIS net call interface

4.1 Determination of damage code

4.1.1 Objective

4.1.2 Parameters

4.1.3 Boundary conditions

4.1.4 Output

4.1.5 Example

4.2 Document display

4.2.1 Objective

4.2.2 Parameters

4.2.3 Boundary conditions

4.2.4 Output

4.2.5 Examples

5 ASRA net call interface

5.1 Objective

5.2 Parameters

5.3 Boundary conditions

5.4 Output

5.5 Examples

6 ASSYST net call interface

6.1 Without background call

6.1.1 Objective

6.1.2 Parameters

6.1.3 Boundary conditions

6.1.4 Output

6.1.5 Examples


6.2.1 Objective

6.2.2 Parameters

6.2.3 Output

6.2.4 Boundary conditions

6.2.5 Examples

7 EPC net call interface

7.1 EPC Navigate Call

7.1.1 Objective

7.1.2 Parameters

7.2 Examples

7.3 EPC Search Part Call

7.3.1 Objective

7.3.2 Parameters

7.4 Examples

3 Introduction

3.1 History

This document describes the call interface in the EWA net project. Here, the existing "WISAPI" interface for the "classic" WIS product was used as a basis to define an interface allowing the "WIS/ASRA/EPC net" applications to be called up in a way that is very compatible to that of the previous concepts in the "classic" world. Even more it has been extended subsequently and now allows also some control over the EPC net client.

Significant stages of development were:

This document focuses on merging the following two files:

The technical details have been removed so that the document basically can be used as an external call reference.

3.2 Files

Standard Installations (“Local” and “Central”):

The following files comprise the installation of the call interface in a standard environment (“local” or “central”):




Call interface program


Configuration file


System expansion for Win32 functions


Program identical to "ewanapi.exe", for backwards compatibility to existing calls

Contains the classes for the external EWANAPI interface. This JAR file is needed by EWANAPI to run specific operational steps.

Standalone Installation:

When installed by the WIS net standalone installer (i.e. in the STAR DIAGNOSIS environment) following files comprise the installation, but the call interface on the command line is exactly the same:




Call interface launcher program


Configuration file


System expansion for Win32 functions


Program identical to "ewanapi.exe", for backwards compatibility to existing calls


JAR file containing the application code


Config file for the launcher indicating to where the Java Runtime is installed. This is needed as the standalone installation has its own private JRE.


Same as above for the WISAPI.exe launcher program

External Java EWANAPI Interface:

System integrators who want to make use of a more tight EWA net integration via EWANAPI may want to make use of the EWANAPI Java API which is provided within the file ewanapi.jar on the official delivery DVD of EWA net. The file can be found in the directory[DVD]:\ewa\Apps_sd\ewanapi_sd\application. Additional technical developer documentation can be requested from the EWA net product management team.

3.3 Interface expansion

In general, the call interface had to be expanded to include the following parameters - all of them are optional, but typically the credential information might be needed to authenticate against a given EWA net application server:







Type of application to be started.
Permitted values:

(for WIS net)

(for EPC net)


-application EPC-Net

If not specified, the "WIS-Net" value is internally used for backwards compatibility.

Thus for calls to the WIS net application this parameter can silently be omitted


User name that must be presented at the EWA net AccessGateway.


-userid stollms

If this is not specified, a login is attempted without a UserID and usually results in failure.

But as soon as a client application is already up and running, this parameter can be omitted.

User credentials (userid, password and domain information) can be omitted in case of a background call (see below for those calls) or if you run your environment with Single SignOn (SSO) enabled. In the latter case EWANAPI will pass through the credentials of the currently logged on user.


Windows domain information (if used)


-userdomain localworkshop

Can be excluded if no domain information is used.


User password


-userpwd password

Without this information, login to the device usually will fail unless SSO is enabled or a background call will be issued.

You can also provide an already crypted password here. This might be helpful if you care about sending the password over an unsecured line.
The password (if crypted) must be SHA-1 crypted to be recognized.

In case of an SSO enabled environment EWANAPI will pass through the credentials of the currently logged on user.


Communication channel on which a DMS system can specify if it wants to be actively notified of a completed call.


-triggername kerridge_pipe_15

This may currently not yet be supported by the client applications WIS net and EPC net


Writes additional information to the console


-debug C:\EWANAPI.log

You may optionally specifiy a log file into which the debug information will be written.


Specifies the locale to be used when starting the application and creating a session on the application server


-locale de_DE
If not specified EWANAPI automatically sends the current locale settings of the client to the EWA net server.

These parameters are always specified in the following calls.

3.4 Direct return codes of EWANAPI

EWANAPI forwards the business request to the correct client application which is responsible to evaluate the call and react correctly. In case of errors or incomplete or even wrong commandlines the clients write error codes into an error file - if an error file has been specified.

But there are cases when EWANAPI cannot even handle the call. In this case it returns specific error codes to the calling application. In a command line you may react on this reading the Windows %errorlevel% command line variable. Within application code the process will return the given code. Following error codes exist:

Error codeDescription
-2Parameter parsing error. Invalid commandline specified.
Background info: the EWANAPI launcher performs some basic command line consistency checks.

Note: Typically this shall not happen within system integration as the end user will have no chance to work around this issue.

1000Configfile could not be found.
1001Incorrect/missing value(s) in config file.
1002Connection to server failed. This can happen if the connection to the AccessGateway is broken/cannot be established.
1003Communication error. Client cannot be found/started. This can happen if the client does not answer on the communication channel, or i.e. Java Webstart could not be found to start the application.
1004Authentication error. AccessGateway denied the access.
1005WebStart or Application Start not possible.
1006Named access authorization already in use. No new access authorization could be allocated.
1007Account has (temporary) been locked. You may try again later.
1008A password change is due for the given account.
(The user may try again after having changed his password).
1009Account has been disabled.
any other codeError codes provided by a server contacted by EWANAPI.exe which EWANAPI.exe does not know will simply be returned to the command line as error code.
I.e. a HTTP server errorcode like 599 from an application server contacted by EWANAPI.exe would be unknown to EWANAPI and returned as error code 599.

4 WIS net call interface

4.1 Determination of damage code

4.1.1 Objective

The WIS damage code module can be directly called up from a command line. The code determined is written to a file.

4.1.2 Parameters

The syntax for calling up WIS net to determine a damage code is as follows:

ewanapi[1] -S <filename>  -t <Model>  [-F <FGR>  [-f <FUG>]] 
          [-damagedpart <damagedpart> [-damageid <damageid>] [-damagetype <damagetype>] [-repairtype <repairtype>]]
          [-err <filename>]
              -application WIS-Net
              -userid <your_userid> 
              -userpwd <your_passwd> 
              -userdomain <your_domain>

The parameters in detail:







File name for the return of the damage code determined


-S C:/tmp/ssl.txt

If WIS net shall not store the resulting information into a file, a special value of [null] must be provided.
But the argument must always be given.


Model type


-t 202018



Function group


-F 10



Function subgroup


-f  30

Can only be used in conjunction with function group.

The id of a damage (as fragment of a damage code)O
-damageid 1
Can only be used in conjunction with "-damagedpart" option.
A partnumber of a damaged part (as fragment of a damage code)O
-damagedpart 54148
The type of a damage (as fragment of a damage code)O
-damagetype 78
Can only be used in conjunction with "-damagedpart" option.
The repair type of a damage (as fragment of a damage code)O
-repairtype 7
Can only be used in conjunction with "-damagedpart" option.

File name for returning the error code


-err C:/tmp/error.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.

4.1.3 Boundary conditions

4.1.4 Output

If a complete damage code has been determined, then on Quit, this key is saved in the output file. In this way the last completely determined damage code is valid. The format of the file is as follows:


whereby the damage identification can have the value 0 (for original equipment fit) and 1 (for replacement part/replacement unit). The identification is a 5-digit code and describes the component (e.g. 05212: inner valve spring). The damage type is represented by a 2-digit code (e.g. 06: broken), the repair type by a one-digit code (e.g. 1: replace unit). All values are separated by a space. As soon as the Damage code 1 screen is left using the F8 button (End), the MB-WIS quits.

4.1.5 Example

  1. ewanapi -S C:\temp\key.txt -t 210035 -F 42 -f 30 -err C:\temp\error.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    The "Damage code 1" screen appears. The function group 42.30 (ABS) is preselected. Following selection of an image title, the "Determine damage code" button becomes activated. This takes the user to the "Damage code 2" screen, where - following the selection of the component, the type of damage, the damage identification and the type of repair - the damage code is displayed. At the same time the "Apply" button becomes activated; this button is used to select the damage code. After returning to "Damage code 1" using the "Back" button and quitting the application, the following entry is to be found in C:\temp\key.txt:
    0 03203 06 7
    i.e., the connecting rod bolt (03203) is broken (06). This is a replacement of original equipment (0), whereby repair using material (07) is necessary.
  2. ewanapi -S C:\temp\key.txt  -t 210  -F 42  -f 30 –err C:\temp\error.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 –userdomain sampledomain
    Error code 2 is output to the error file, as there is no 6-digit model designation available; as such, it is not possible to determine the damage code.

4.2 Document display

4.2.1 Objective

The specified document is displayed in (and optionally printed from) the WIS net "Document display". It is also possible to prepare a document search, i.e. to open "Infothek 1" or "Infothek 2".

4.2.2 Parameters

The following calls are supported:

  1. ewanapi -D
       ((-t <type_model_designation> [-m <engine_model_designation>] [-a <major_assembly_model_designation_1>,..,<major_assembly_model_designation_n>])      
     | ([-t  <type_model_designation>] -m <engine_model_designation> [-a <major_assembly_model_designation_1>,..,<major_assembly_model_designation_n>]) 
     | ([-t <type_model_designation>] [-m <engine_model_designation>] -a <major_assembly_model_designation_1> [,..,<major_assembly_model_designation_n>]))
        [-f <function_group_1>,..,<function_group_n>] 
        [-i <info_type_1>,..,<info_type_n>]  
        [-s <KD logic>] [-err <filename>] [-Z]
                  -application WIS-Net
                  -userid <your_userid> 
                  -userpwd <your_passwd> 
                  -userdomain <your_domain>
  2. ewanapi -D -V <VIN>
          [-f <function_group_1>,..,<function_group_n>]
          [-i <info_type_1>,..,<info_type_n>]
          [-s <KD_logic>]   [-err <filename>] [-Z] 
                  -application WIS-Net
                  -userid <your_userid>
                  -userpwd <your_passwd>
                  -userdomain <your_domain>
  3. ewanapi -D <doc._no._1>[,..,<doc._no._n>] [-Z] [-T 1] 
                  -application WIS-Net
                  -userid <your_userid>
                  -userpwd <your_passwd>
                  -userdomain <your_domain>
  4. ewanapi [–T <vehicle_type>] -t <type_model_designation> [-m <engine_model_designation> -a  <major_assembly_model_designation>] 
          –A <WU_number> [-err <filename>]
                  -application WIS-Net
                  -userid <your_userid>
                  -userpwd <your_passwd>
                  -userdomain <your_domain>
  5. ewanapi -D -V <VIN> -A <WU_number> [-err <filename>] 
                  -application WIS-Net
                  -userid <your_userid>
                  -userpwd <your_passwd>
                  -userdomain <your_domain>

If the document search only produces one hit, i.e. only one document is found, then this is displayed immediately.

The parameters for calls 1 to 3 (for variant 4 see below) in detail are:









Document number


-D BB0040P012500A

As previously, only separated by comma (also repeated).


Exactly 17 alphanumeric characters

Vehicle ident. number (with WMC)


-V WDB2102171A354643

Either "-V" has to be provided or "-t" (see below)

6-digitsModel typeM
-t 202018 
Either "-t" has to be provided or "-V" (see above)

6 digits

Engine model designation


-m 611961



6 digits

Major assembly model


-a 722613,768002

Multiple entries separated by commas possible.


2 digits or 2 digits + point + 2 digits

Function group/subgroup


-f 00,20.10

Multiple identification separated by comma.

There is a special parameter "ALL" for all function groups.


1 to 2 numeric characters

Info type code


-i 2,3,4

There is a special parameter "ALL" for all information types.

All supported information types will be listed in the separate table below.


1 digit

Display logic for special cases


-s 0

Values = {0,1,2}

0 = Popup with question, "Display work instructions for special cases?"

1 = Only display work instructions for special cases.

2 = No display, no popup

This parameter is only activated on the input of a complete VIN (similar to Infothek-1).



Return option



On the input of –Z all screens are placed on the stack.


1 character

Vehicle type code


-T 1

This parameter is only maintained for reasons of compatibility with old systems. It no longer has any functionality and is ignored when entered.

 Print optionO
If this option is given the retrieved documents will not only be shown in the result list, but also been printed to the default printer.

Dependent on the operating system

File name for returning the error code


-err C:/tmp/error.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.

Overview of supported infotype values:

Infotype value (integer)Information type nameComment
1Current topicsVirtual infotype. Aggregation of infotypes: 2, 3 and 4. Thus a call with parameter "-i 1" is equivalent to "-i 2,3,4"
2   Service informationsi
3   Introduction into Servicesn
4   Measures and instructionssm
5Work informationVirtual infotype. Aggregation of infotypes: 6,7,8,9,10,11
6   General safety informationah, as
7   Care and maintenanceap
8   Troubleshootingaf
9   Diagnosisad
10   Testing/repair workar
11   Retrofits/conversionsan, az
12Basic knowledgeVirtual infotype. Aggregation of infotypes: 13, 14
13   Functions,
14   Operating instructions 
15Basic dataVirtual infotype. Aggregation of infotypes: 16 ... 27
16   Test/adjustment valuesbe
17   Tightening torquesba
18   Filling capacitiesbf
19   Specs for Op. Fluidsbb
20   Repair materialsbr
21   Technical changesbt
22   Circuit diagramsVirtual infotype. Aggregation of infotypes: 23, 24, 25
23      Electricpe
24      Hydraulicph
25      Pneumaticpp
26   Toolsws, wh, wf
27   Workshop equipmentwe
28OrganizationVirtual infotype. Aggregation of infotypes: 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
29   Forms, certificatesof
30   Envir. protection cond. 
31   Hazardous waste disposalos
32   Warranty manual 
33   Administrationov

Parameters for variant 4 (document search with WU value) in detail:







Vehicle type code


-T 1

This parameter is only maintained for reasons of compatibility with old systems. It no longer has any functionality and is ignored when entered.


Model type


-t 202018



Engine model designation


-m 102921



Major assembly model


-a 760700



Operation number


-A 421050



Print indicatorO
Not only display the documents, but also print them to the default printer.

File name for returning the error code


-err C:/tmp/error.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.

Parameters for variant 5 (document search with WU value and VIN) in detail:







Vehicle ident. number (with WMC)


-V WDB2102171A354643

Exactly 17 alphanumeric characters


Operation number


-A 421050



On the input of –Z all screens are placed on the stack.



Return option


Print indicatorO
Not only display the documents, but also print them to the default printer.

File name for returning the error code


-err C:/tmp/error.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.

4.2.3 Boundary conditions

  1. The two parameters "-D" are used for starting the document search. If there are no other parameters after this but another character, then this is interpreted as a document number.
  2. The number of parameters after the options "-f" and "-I" is limited to 20.
  3. Only 6-digit models are accepted.
  4. The parameters for the call are to be arranged according to the various possibilities. A mixture between a document search with document number, or, e.g., with function groups and info. types, or with a WU search is not allowed. It is currently known that WIS net may not generate an error file in such cases.
  5. The parameter "-s" is, similar to WIS net (Infothek-1), only activated in the case of the complete entry of the VIN. Otherwise the parameter has no effect.
  6. In the case of lists in parameters (e.g. several information types, function groups or documents), it is not allowed to use spaces (e.g. –i 1,2); alternately the entire character string must be placed in quotation marks (e.g. –i "1, 2").
  7. In call 3 the parameter –T 1 can also be set; however in this case this parameter is ignored.
  8. In call 5, no info. types or function groups may be entered.

4.2.4 Output

The return values for these calls are:

4.2.5 Examples

  1. ewanapi –D si0000p0005c  -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 –userdomain sampledomain
    The document with number Si00.00-P-005C is displayed.
  2. ewanapi –D si0000p0005c -p -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 –userdomain sampledomain
    The document with number Si00.00-P-005C is displayed and printed to the default printer.
  3. ewanapi –T 1 –t 210217 –A 421050 -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 –userdomain sampledomain
    A selection of documents with operation number 42-1050 that correspond to model designation 210.217 is shown.
  4. ewanapi -D -V WDB2020181L0000 -A 421050 -err C:\err.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 –userdomain sampledomain
    A selection of documents with operation number 42-1050 that correspond to VIN WDB2020181L0000 is shown. Error messages are saved to the C:\err.txt file.

5 ASRA net call interface

5.1 Objective

Activation of the ASRA retrieval system.

5.2 Parameters

Numerous combinations of parameters are supported:

ewanapi[3] –ASRA  [-Background]  [-V <VIN>] [–WMC <WMC>]  
               [  [[-T <type_model_designation>]  [-M <engine_model_designation>] [-L <steering/plant>]]  [-P <production_number>]  ]
               [–A <operation_position_number>[,operation_position_number,...]] [-AN order_number] ]  [-D <filename>] [-err <error_file>]
              -application WIS-Net
              -userid <your_userid>
              -userpwd <your_passwd>
              -userdomain <your_domain>








Flag for activating the ASRA retrieval system




Flag for activating execution in the background


Does not allocate any access authorization within EWA net, but starts WIS net as a background process which terminates directly after this action.

The call is made user unspecific: no user credentials have to be provided for this call.

Even if another WIS net client was up and running already this would not be used for this call.


World Manufacturer Code



Due to the changed WMC handling in ASRA-ES, it is not necessary to input the WMC. If this parameter is nevertheless input, a check is also made against the specified model.

Vehicle Identification Number.O
-V WDB2102171A354643
Exactly 17 alphanumeric characters including the WMC.

Either model type "-T" or VIN "-V" are allowed at once.

WMC is not needed in this case.


Model type


-T 202018

Either model type "-T" or VIN "-V" are allowed at once.

Engine code
-M 111920
The optional engine designation may help filtering information within ASRA net.



-L 1a

Can only be used in conjunction with model type.


Production progress number


-P 123456

Can only be used in conjunction with model type and steering/plant.


Operation item number(s)


-A 421050,421060

Only useful in combination with a fully specified vehicle.


Order number


-AN 12xx34

Only useful in conjunction with operation item number.


File name for the return of the list of operation items


-D C:/tmp/liste.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.


File name for returning the error code


-err C:/tmp/error.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.

5.3 Boundary conditions

5.4 Output

The error codes for these calls are:

Error DescriptionError Code
No error0
No access authorization or missing connection to the access authorization manager-1
Invalid WMC (does not exist or digit # < 3)-101
Vehicle was not found-102
Invalid model (digit # < 3)-103
Invalid entry of steering/plant (digit # <> 2)-104
Invalid production number (digit # <> 6)-105
Invalid engine (digit# <>6, engine does not match to model)-106
Invalid operation item (digit # <> 6)-109
Operation item was not found-110
Inconsistent vehicle specification-111
No access authorization for ASRA-112
Invalid output file-114
Background call with ambiguous model type-115

The error field in the job order file can be filled with the following values:

Error DescriptionError Code
No changes00
Vehicle changed01
Operation items changed02

5.5 Examples

  1. ewanapi -ASRA -T 210017 -L 1A -P 123456 -A 421050 -D C:\jobtest.txt -err C:\errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    After the call, folder C:\ contains a job order file "jobtest.txt" and a file "errtest.txt", which also contains in addition to the call log, the return value (in this case: 0). If the ‘-D’ parameter is not given, the user is prompted for the job order name.
  2. ewanapi -ASRA -T 202018 -M 111920 -L 1A -P 123456 -A 421050 -D C:\jobtest.txt -err C:\errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    After the call, folder C:\ contains a job order file "jobtest.txt" and a file "errtest.txt", which also contains in addition to the call log, the return value (in this case: 0). If the ‘-D’ parameter is not given, the user is prompted for the job order name.
  3. ewanapi -ASRA -Background -T 210017 -L 1A -P 123456 -A 421050 -D C:\jobtest.txt -err C:\errtest.txt
    The same case as in 2., but there is no interaction with the user (background call).
  4. ewanapi -ASRA -T 202018 -A 00 -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    The "ASRA vehicle determination" screen appears with specified vehicle context. For the design group "00" (service) is preselected and the design group table of contents indicates the appropriate subgroups.
  5. ewanapi -ASRA -T 21002 -AN 1000ab -D C:\jobtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    A popup screen appears for selecting a model designation. Caution: The order number is not applied in the context, because the vehicle was not completely specified in the call. After <Back>, no job order file is written. If operation items are subsequently selected, a job order with the name given is written when the application quits.
  6. (Invalidate access authorization)
    ewanapi -ASRA -T 202018 -D jobtest.txt -err errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    Error code "-1" is generated.
  7. ewanapi -ASRA -WMC abc -D jobtest.txt -err errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    Error code "-101" is generated.
  8. ewanapi -ASRA -T 123456 -D jobtest.txt -err errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    Error code "-102" is generated.
  9. ewanapi -ASRA -T 12 -D jobtest.txt -err errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    Error code "-103" is generated.
  10. ewanapi -ASRA -T 202018 -L 1 -D jobtest.txt -err errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    Error code "-104" is generated.
  11. ewanapi -ASRA -T 202018 -L 1a -P 12 -D jobtest.txt -err errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    Error code "-105" is generated.
  12. ewanapi -ASRA -T 202018 -L 1a -P 123456 -A 00100 -D jobtest.txt -err errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    Error code "-109" is generated.
  13. ewanapi -ASRA -T 202018 -L 1a -P 123456 -A 001055 -D jobtest.txt -err errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    Error code "-110" is generated.
  14. ewanapi -ASRA -WMC WDB -P 123456 -D jobtest.txt -err errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    Error code "-111" is generated.
  15. (Activate "WIS without ASRA” access authorization)
    ewanapi -ASRA -D jobtest.txt -err errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    Error code "-112" is generated.
  16. ewanapi -ASRA -Background -T 220 -D jobtest.txt -err errtest.txt
    Error code "-115" is generated.
  17. ewanapi -ASRA -T 210017 -M 123456 -L 1A -P 123456 -A 421050 -D C:\jobtest.txt -err C:\errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    Error code "-106" is generated.
  18. ewanapi -ASRA -T 210017 -M 123 -L 1A -P 123456 -A 421050 -D C:\jobtest.txt -err C:\errtest.txt -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    Error code "-106" is generated.

6 ASSYST net call interface

6.1 Without background call

6.1.1 Objective

Activation of the ASSYST retrieval system.

6.1.2 Parameters

Numerous combinations of parameters are supported:

  1. ewanapi[4] -ASSYST -V <FIN> [-s <service_code>] [-w <workshop_code>]
                  [-K <customer_name>] [-A <order_number>]
                  ( [-k <current_km_reading>] | [-M <current_mileage_reading] )
                  [-r <correctness_service_supervisor>] [-f <completion_date>]
                  [-v <type_of_oil/viscosity>] [-d <dialog_acceptance>]
                  [-h <notes>] [-D <job_order_filename>] [-err <filename>]
                  -application WIS-Net
                  -userid <your_userid>
                  -userpwd <your_passwd>
                  -userdomain <your_domain>
  2. ewanapi[5]  -ASSYST -t <type_model_designation> -m <engine_model_designation> [-s <service_code>] [-w <workshop_code>]
                  [-S <special_equipment_code>] [-K <customer_name>] [-A <order_number>]
                  ( [-k <current_km_reading>] | [-M <current_mileage_reading] )
                  [-r <correctness_service_supervisor>] [-f <completion_date>]
                  [-v <type_of_oil/viscosity>] [-d <dialog_acceptance>]
                  [-h <notes>] [-D <job_order_filename>] [-err <filename>]
                  -application WIS-Net
                  -userid <your_userid>
                  -userpwd <your_passwd>
                  -userdomain <your_domain>

The parameters for call a. in detail:








Exactly 17 alphanumeric characters

Vehicle ident. number (with WMC)


-V WDB2102171A354643



2 alphanumeric characters

Service code


-s A+



1 to 22 alphanumeric characters

Workshop code


-w 24E



1 to 32 alphanumeric characters

Customer name


-K "John Smith"



1 to 15 alphanumeric characters

Order number


-A 12345



1 to 7 numeric characters

Current km reading


-k 25000

Not together with the current mileage reading (see also boundary conditions).


1 to 7 numeric characters

Current mileage reading


-M 12000

Not together with the current km reading (see also boundary conditions).


1 to 32 alphanumeric characters

Correctness by service supervisor


-r "John Smith"



10 alphanumeric characters

Completion date


-f  01.12.2001

Format of the date can be transferred country-specific.


1 to 15 alphanumeric characters

Type of oil/viscosity


-v "SAE 15/40"



1 numeric character

Dialog acceptance completed (yes/no)


-d 1

1 = Yes
0 = No


1 to 300 alphanumeric characters



-h "This is a note"



Dependent on the operating system

File name for the return of the list of operation items


-D C:/tmp/liste.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.


Dependent on the operating system

File name for returning
 the error code


-err C:/tmp/error.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.

The parameters for call b. in detail:








Exactly 6 numeric characters

Model type


-t 202018



Exactly 6 numeric characters

Engine model designation


-m 102921



2 alphanumeric characters

Service code


-s A+



1 to 22 alphanumeric characters

Workshop code


-w 24E



1 to 4 alphanumeric characters

SA code


-S 850a

Is only used to determine the model year, i.e. in the case of this example, the entry has no effect (example 850a describes air conditioner for USA).


1 to 32 alphanumeric characters

Customer name


-K "John Smith"



1 to 15 alphanumeric characters

Order number


-A 12345



1 to 7 numeric characters

Current km reading


-k 25000

Not together with the current mileage reading (see also boundary conditions).


1 to 7 numeric characters

Current mileage reading


-M 12000

Not together with the current km reading (see also boundary conditions).


1 to 32 alphanumeric characters

Correctness by service supervisor


-r "John Smith"



10 alphanumeric characters

Completion date


-f  01.12.2001

Format of the date can be transferred country-specific.


1 to 15 alphanumeric characters

Type of oil/viscosity


-v "SAE 15/40"



1 numeric character

Dialog acceptance completed (yes/no)


-d 1

1 = Yes
0 = No


1 to 300 alphanumeric characters



-h "This is a note"



Dependent on the operating system

File name for the return of the list of operation items


-D C:/tmp/liste.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.


Dependent on the operating system

File name for returning
 the error code


-err C:/tmp/error.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.

6.1.3 Boundary conditions

6.1.4 Output

The error codes for these calls are:

Error DescriptionError Code
No error0
No access authorization or missing connection to the access authorization manager-1
Invalid call parameters-2
Vehicle could not be found in ASRA-102
Not all work positions could be found-203

6.1.5 Examples

  1. ewanapi -ASSYST -t 210020 -m 123456 -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    The "Infothek 1" screen appears with an empty engine model designation table.
  2. ewanapi -ASSYST -t 211004 -m 646951 -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    The "ASSYST" screen appears with preselected "With service processor".
  3. ewanapi -ASSYST -t 211004 -m 646951 -k 30000 -w 4g3p -application WIS-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
    The "ASSYST" screen appears with completed "Current km reading" and "Workshop code" fields. The "Next" button is activated.


6.2.1 Objective

Activation of the service retrieval system in the background. The service sheet is printed automatically using the default printer in the MS Windows operating system. In addition, the job order file is written automatically.

It is to be noted that the background call is only to be used for vehicles with ASSYST-PLUS (service processor with workshop code). For this reason the workshop code is also a "mandatory" entry. The reason is: only with a workshop code can the additional work be determined without user interaction. In all other cases, as a rule, user interaction is unavoidable, and as a result a background call is then no longer meaningful.

6.2.2 Parameters

The following combinations of parameters are supported:

  1. ewanapi[6] -ASSYST -Background -V <VIN> [-s <service_code>] -w <workshop_code>
                 ( -k <current_km_reading> | -M <current_mileage_reading])
                  [-p] [-K <customer_name>] [-A <order_number>]
                  ( [-k <current_km_reading>] | [-M <current_mileage_reading] )
                  [-r <correctness_service_supervisor>] [-f <completion_date>]
                  [-v <type_of_oil/viscosity>] [-d <dialog_acceptance>]
                  [-h <notes>] [-D <filename>] [-err <filename>]
                  -application WIS-Net
                  -userid <your_userid>
                  -userpwd <your_passwd>
                  -userdomain <your_domain>
  2. ewanapi[7] -ASSYST -Background -t <type_model_designation> -m <engine_model_designation> [-s <service_code>]  -w <workshop_code>
                  ( -k <current_km_level> | -M <current_mileage_level])
                  [-p] [-S <special_equipment_code>] [-K <customer_name>] [-A <order_number>]
                  [-r <correctness_service_supervisor>] [-f <completion_date>]
                  [-v <type_of_oil/viscosity>] [-d <dialog_acceptance>]
                  [-h <notes>] [-D <filename>] [-err <filename>]
                  -application WIS-Net
                  -userid <your_userid>
                  -userpwd <your_passwd>
                  -userdomain <your_domain>

The parameters for call a. in detail:








No further parameters

Background execution


Does not allocate any access authorization within EWA net, but starts WIS net as a background process which terminates after this action.

This call is user unspecific which means that no user credentials have to be provided.


Exactly 17 alphanumeric characters

Vehicle ident. number (with WMC)


-V WDB2102171A354643



2 alphanumeric characters

Service code


-s A+



1 to 22 alphanumeric characters

Workshop code


-w 24E



No further parameters

Print service sheet



If parameter given, then the service sheet is printed out on the default printer.


1 to 32 alphanumeric characters

Customer name


-K "John Smith"



1 to 15 alphanumeric characters

Order number


-A 12345



1 to 7 numeric characters

Current km reading


-k 25000

Not together with the current mileage reading (see also boundary conditions).


1 to 7 numeric characters

Current mileage reading


-M 12000

Not together with the current km reading (see also boundary conditions).


1 to 32 alphanumeric characters

Correctness by service supervisor


-r "John Smith"



10 alphanumeric characters

Completion date


-f  01.12.2001

Format of the date can be transferred country-specific.


1 to 15 alphanumeric characters

Type of oil/viscosity


-v "SAE 15/40"



1 numeric character

Dialog acceptance completed (yes/no)


-d 1

1 = Yes
0 = No


1 to 300 alphanumeric characters



-h "This is a note"



Dependent on the operating system

File name for the return of the list of operation items


-D C:/tmp/liste.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.


Dependent on the operating system

File name for returning
 the error code


-err C:/tmp/error.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.

The parameters for call b. in detail:








No further parameters

Background execution


Does not allocate any access authorization within EWA net, but starts WIS net as a background process which terminates after this action.

This call is user unspecific which means that no user credentials have to be provided.


Exactly 6 numeric characters

Model type


-t 202018



Exactly 6 numeric characters

Engine model designation


-m 102921



2 alphanumeric characters

Service code


-s A+



1 to 22 alphanumeric characters

Workshop code


-w 24E



No further parameters

Print service sheet



If parameter given, then the service sheet is printed out on the default printer.


1 to 4 alphanumeric characters

SA code


-S 850a

Is only used to determine the model year, i.e. in the case of this example, the entry has no effect (example 850a describes air conditioner for USA).


1 to 32 alphanumeric characters

Customer name


-K "John Smith"



1 to 15 alphanumeric characters

Order number


-A 12345



1 to 7 numeric characters

Current km reading


-k 25000

Not together with the current mileage reading (see also boundary conditions).


1 to 7 numeric characters

Current mileage reading


-M 12000

Not together with the current km reading (see also boundary conditions).


1 to 32 alphanumeric characters

Correctness by service supervisor


-r "John Smith"



10 alphanumeric characters

Completion date


-f  01.12.2001

Format of the date can be transferred country-specific.


1 to 15 alphanumeric characters

Type of oil/viscosity


-v "SAE 15/40"



1 numeric character

Dialog acceptance completed (yes/no)


-d 1

1 = Yes
0 = No


1 to 300 alphanumeric characters



-h "This is a note"



Dependent on the operating system

File name for the return of the list of operation items


-D C:/tmp/liste.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.


Dependent on the operating system

File name for returning
 the error code


-err C:/tmp/error.txt

If a path is not given, the folder from which the module is opened is used.

6.2.3 Output

The error codes for these calls are (similar to ASRA background call):

Error DescriptionError Code
No error0
No access authorization or missing connection to the access authorization manager-1
Invalid call parameters-2
Vehicle could not be found in ASRA-102
No access authorization for ASRA-112
Invalid output file-114
Background call with ambiguous model type-115
Operation items have been removed due to type validity-203

The error code -2 signifies "invalid call parameter". For ASSYST this also includes model type designation or model type designation and engine model designation combinations that do not have "ASSYST PLUS". Thus, if e.g. a workshop code is entered and the model type does not have ASSYST-PLUS, WIS also quits with error code -2.

The error field in the job order file can be filled with the following values:

Error DescriptionError Code
No changes00
Vehicle changed01
Operation items changed02

6.2.4 Boundary conditions

6.2.5 Examples

  1. ewanapi -ASSYST -Background -p -t 211004 -m 646951 -k 30000 -w 4g3p
    The dynamic service sheet is automatically printed out on the default printer and the job order file created as per the settings on the "System settings" screen.

7 EPC net call interface

7.1 EPC Navigate Call

7.1.1 Objective

Activation of EPC net and writing of a shopping list.

7.1.2 Parameters

The following number of parameter combinations is supported:

  1. ewanapi [-V <FIN>] 
              [-T <model code>]
                  -S <shoppinglist_file>
              [-partslist <partnumber[,partnumber...]>]
                  [-err <error_file>]
                  -application EPC-Net
                  -userid <your_userid>
                  -userpwd <your_passwd>
                  -userdomain <your_domain>








Specification of the VIN incl. World Manufacturer Code


-V WDB2020281F333593

Either VIN or Model Code can be provided, not both of them

Model codeO
-T 202028
Either VIN or Model Code can be provided, not both of them
Engine number (6 digits)O
-m 104941
Can only be provided together with "-T" option

File name for writing of the shopping list


–S C:\tmp\sl.txt



Deletion of any existing shopping list is forced




One or more part numbers for parts that shall be added to the current shopping listO
-partslist A1089950520,N073379008100

File name for the error file




7.2 Examples

  1. ewanapi -V WDB2020281F333593 -S C:\tmp\sl.txt -c -err C:\tmp\err.txt -application EPC-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain
  2. ewanapi -V WDB2020281F333593 -S C:\tmp\sl.txt -partslist A1089950520,N073379008100 -application EPC-Net -err C:\tmp\err.txt -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 -userdomain sampledomain

7.3 EPC Search Part Call

7.3.1 Objective

Activation of EPC net and searching a given part.

7.3.2 Parameters

The following number of parameter combinations is supported:

  1. ewanapi [-V <FIN>]
                  -pn <partnumber>
                  [-err <error_file>]
                  -application EPC-Net
                  -userid <your_userid>
                  -userpwd <your_passwd>
                  -userdomain <your_domain>


Specification of the VIN incl. World Manufacturer CodeM
-V WDB2020281F333593
File name for writing of the shopping listM
–pn A1089950520
File name for the error fileO

7.4 Examples

  1. ewanapi –V WDB2020281F333593 -pn A1089950520 -application EPC-Net -userid stollms -userpwd 478967895 –userdomain sampledomain –err C:\tmp\err.txt 

[1] The respective call applies for access to a running WIS net; during this process the old context is deleted without a prompt and the open WIS net reinitialized with the new parameters. This should on average contribute to significant time savings. If there is no open WIS net application, it is started.

[2] This error code is only written to the optional error file (-err).

[3] The respective wisapi call applies for access to a running WIS net; during this process the old context is deleted without a prompt and the open WIS net reinitialized with the new parameters. This should on average contribute to a significant time savings.

[4] The respective ewanapi call applies for access to a running WIS net; during this process the old context is deleted without a prompt and the open WIS net reinitialized with the new parameters. This should on average contribute to a significant time savings.

[5] As footnote above!

[6] The respective wisapi call applies for access to a running WIS net; during this process the old context is deleted without a prompt and the open WIS net reinitialized with the new parameters. This should on average contribute to a significant time savings.

[7] As footnote above!